Enervee Blog

Enervee Spark 2017 | Enervee Blog

Written by Guy Champniss | 11/29/17 8:00 AM

No-one ever said energy saving is cool or fashionable. But they were wrong. It is cool. Energy is now cool. And energy saving? That’s cooler still. I save therefore I am.

So to celebrate Enervee’s and its clients’ collective achievements in terms of kWhs saved, we gathered at the epicentre of cool — Santa Monica’s Shore Hotel — for our annual client conference: Spark 2017.

Against the backdrop of the Santa Monica coastline, Spark 2017 was a unique chance to review, react and rejoice when it came to what we’ve managed to achieve over the last twelve months. It was also a chance to step back and think about what the next twelve months can bring, in terms of new features, new products and — crucially — even more value delivered to energy consumers across the US and beyond.

Spark 2017 involved a range of content, presentations and sessions, including clients case studies focused on best practices, to industry-leading enhancements to our flagship application Marketplace, as well as in-depth reviews of our product roadmap. We were also excited to share with our clients profound changes to our overall product and service offering, which we believe will make our capabilities and solutions even more compelling in the market.

But more than these updates, what made Spark 2017 such a unique event for all of us at Enervee, was its ability to shine a light on the deeply collaborative relationships we have with our clients. It showcases what we believe is a compelling approach: to genuinely work together to use our data, platforms and human capital to find innovative, creative and — ultimately — highly effective and efficient solutions to energy saving.

This is truly a team-effort, and Spark 2017 was our opportunity to recognise, celebrate and cement what we believe is the only viable long-term approach to delivering energy-savings at the scale needed. Partnerships. Collaboration. Shared beliefs.

As the newly minted Justice League knows all too well — you cannot save the world alone.