Enervee Blog

President Obama meets Enervee | Enervee Blog

Written by Kyle Schee | 10/14/14 7:00 AM

We have many interesting days at Enervee, but last Thursday was certainly one of the more exciting ones: President Obama was visiting Cross Campus and we are thrilled that we had the great opportunity to tell him about Enervee!

President Obama was in Los Angeles for a fundraising trip, but he took the time to dive into the start-up world of Santa Monica, often referred to as Silicon Beach, and what better place is there to talk to about 100 local tech entrepreneurs than the tech co-working space ?

The president seemed to enjoy meeting the Enervee team: “This guy looks like what you want a start-up guy to look like. He’s too cool. He looks like he knows how to work technology,” said President Obama.