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Toby Welch6/30/14 12:00 AM1 min read

Smart gadgets for your energy-efficient home

Choosing energy-efficient devices when shopping for a new TV, fridge or AC is a great way of saving money and reducing your carbon footprint, but it’s not the only way. There are many gadgets that help you optimize your energy consumption at home and eliminate unnecessary costs for devices that are running without being used. Here are some great gadgets for your energy-efficient home:


Nest Thermostat

The Nest Learning Thermostat is not just another programmable thermostat! Nest is a thermostat programmed specifically for saving energy. When you first start using Nest, it’ll learn what you like as you adjust the temperature. Eventually, it’ll start adjusting the temperature for you. Nest can also detect when you are not at home and automatically turn down the temperature. Of course, Nest also has a smartphone app that you can use to make changes — no more worrying whether you turned off the AC before you left for a vacation!

Smart Plugs


Smart Plugs are devices that you simply plug in between the outlet and any electronic device/appliance. A smart plug records the energy consumption of the device and sends the data to your smartphone. In the app you can analyze the data and see how much it costs you to run the device. That way you can easily see which devices in your house are consuming energy even when they are not in use and which ones are the biggest energy-eaters — a good way to figure out where a new, more energy-efficient device would give you the biggest savings. Don’t forget to check to find the most popular energy-efficient devices once you’ve identified the ones that you want to switch out!